Supplemental Advising

The OASS provides multiple services to support students’ academic success. These support services include: advising, tutoring and mentoring, as well as the English Writing Lab and the English program.

The office provides direct advising services to students, functioning as the primary advising department for all learners, including freshmen students, transferred students and undergraduate students. The office also works closely with academic advisors to ensure that student needs are met and that they are enrolled in the recommended courses to help them succeed in their desired degree programs.

The supplemental academic support on offer focuses specifically on an early intervention system to identify and support students facing academic challenges. It then provides them with one-on-one tutoring to meet specific class objectives.

Another role of the OASS is to monitor students’ educational progress and support them in overcoming academic challenges by, for instance, offering them tutoring sessions in courses for which they require support.



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