Professor - College of Engineering and Technology
  • Publications : 43
  • Citations : 335
  • h-Index : 8
  • Last Updated : Feb/25/2025 04:59:46

Prof. Laiali Almazaydeh had a prior appointment as a Dean of the College of Information Technology at Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (AHU) in Jordan from January 2020 till July 2023, she received her Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering with 2013 from University of Bridgeport, USA. Previously, during her Ph.D. study, in February 2011, Almazaydeh was invited to the United Nations in New York City to lead panels aimed at attracting more women into the field of science and technology, and the American Association of University Women asked her talk about the status of women and girls rights globally, in celebration of the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day. Also, she has been awarded financial scholarship from Upsilon Pi Epsilon, the international honors society for computing and information sciences, she was selected based on her superlative academic record, extracurricular activities, and recommendations from academic advisers.

Prof. Laiali Almazaydeh has over 10 years of experience in teaching computer science and software engineering courses. She is launching BSc programs in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, and Dual Studies at AHU.

She has published more than 65 research papers in various international journals and conferences proceedings. Her research interests include human computer interaction and pattern recognition. She received best paper awards in 3 conferences, ASEE 2012, ASEE 2013 and ICUMT 2016. In addition, she received a year of seniority in promotion to the rank of Associate Professor and the rank of Professor due to her excellence in research work. Recently, she has been awarded two postdoc scholarships from European Union Commission and Jordanian-American Fulbright Commission, in addition to two academic mobility scholarships from European Union Commission. She pursued these scholarships at:

University of Bridgeport, USA.
University of Minho, Portugal.
Masaryk University, Czech Republic.
University of Porto, Portugal.


Cover Date Title Citations
Jun/01/2024 A comparative analysis of convolutional neural networks for breast cancer prediction 3
Sep/01/2018 A new method for curvilinear text line extraction and straightening of arabic handwritten text 1
Oct/01/2023 A novel defect detection method for software requirements inspections 0
Jan/13/2025 Advanced Feature Extraction and Machine Learning Techniques for Classifying Steam Game Feedback 0
Jan/01/2023 AI-Enhanced IT Governance: Fostering Autonomy, Decision-Making, and Human Accountability 0
Jan/01/2018 An inclusive framework for developing a car racing simulator game using artificial intelligence techniques and usability principles 2
Jan/01/2016 An interactive and self-instructional virtual chemistry laboratory 5
Jan/01/2024 Anomaly Detection Based on Hierarchical Federated Learning with Edge-Enabled Object Detection for Surveillance Systems in Industry 4.0 Scenario 2
Jan/01/2022 Arabic Music Genre Classification Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) 8
Jan/01/2018 Automatic Arabic text summarisation system (AATSS) based on morphological analysis 2
Jan/01/2023 Clinical Text Classification with Word Representation Features and Machine Learning Algorithms 7
Jan/01/2024 Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Email Phishing Detection Using TF-IDF, Word2Vec, and BERT 1
Jan/01/2023 Enhancing Natural Language Processing with Machine Learning for Conversational AI 2
Jan/01/2024 Epileptic Seizure Detection in EEG Signals Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques 10
Jan/01/2022 ESSD: Energy Saving and Securing Data Algorithm for WSNs Security 0
Jan/01/2023 Exploring The Impact Of VR On Students Engagement And Learning Outcomes In Higher Education 0
Feb/01/2022 Formalization of the prediction and ranking of software development life cycle models 5
Oct/01/2024 Fortifying network security: machine learning-powered intrusion detection systems and classifier performance analysis 1
Jan/01/2023 Home Teaching Environments for Jordanian Kindergarten Children Under Corona Pandemic 2020 1
Jan/01/2023 Improving LZW Compression of Unicode Arabic Text Using Multi-Level Encoding and a Variable-Length Phrase Code 0
Jan/01/2023 Information Technology Students' Perceptions Toward Using Virtual Reality Technology for Educational Purposes 7
Mar/30/2021 Machine learning applications to mobile network performance modeling 0
Jan/01/2024 Machine Learning Models for Enhanced E-Commerce Marketing 0
Nov/01/2018 New empirical path loss model for 28 GHz and 38 GHz millimeterwave in indoor urban under various conditions 10
Jan/01/2024 Predictive modeling for breast cancer based on machine learning algorithms and features selection methods 2
Jan/01/2020 Secure RGB image steganography based on modified LSB substitution 13
Jan/01/2016 Speed-limit signs detection and recognition based on HSV color model 1
Jan/01/2022 The Effectiveness of Darask Platform as E-Learning Tool to Improve the Educational Process during COVID-19 4
Jan/01/2022 The Effectiveness of Using Interactive Simulation in Kindergarten Children’s Acquisition of Physics Concepts 1
Dec/01/2024 The impact of fintech-based eco-friendly incentives in improving sustainable environmental performance: A mediating-moderating model 8
Jan/01/2023 The Role of Internet of Things in Smart City Environmental Monitoring: A Pollution Detection System 1
Aug/01/2022 Virtual reality technology to support the independent living of children with autism 7


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