Professor - College of Security and Global Studies
  • Publications : 2
  • Citations : 2
  • h-Index : 1
  • Last Updated : Sep/19/2024 04:30:12

  • Dr. Chahine A. Ghais is the Dean of College of Security and Global Studies. He held previous appointments as a Dean of the School of Security and Global Studies and Professor of International Relations, he was an Assistant to the President for Policies and Procedures (2013-2017), Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Science (2006-2013), and Dean of Students (2011-20 12).

    Dr Chahine received his Ph.D. from the University of Missouri, St. Louis (1998). He has an MA in International Relations, MA in Political Science, and BA in Political Science from Mc Gill University.

    Dr. Ghais’ main area of research interest is Conflict Resolution and the effects of democratization and development of pluralistic societies. He published a number of book chapters and articles, and participated in many international and local conferences with papers dealing with such issues as Resolving Identity Conflict, Ethnic Pluralism, Failed States, the Changing American Role in International Relations, Democratization, and Globalization.


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