Assistant Professor - College of Business Administration
  • Publications : 0
  • Citations : 0
  • h-Index : 0
  • Last Updated : Sep/20/2024 03:01:19

  • Dr. Tahar Tayachi is an Assistant Professor at the American University in the Emirates. He has a PhD in Finance from Sfax University.

    He has diversified and extensive teaching experience in accounting and finance in different universities starting by Monastir University, then University of Bahrain and recently Effat University.
    He held various leadership positions across different universities. At Monastir University, (Tunisia), he was chair of the department overseeing the development of the curriculum in finance and accounting and managing a team of diversified professors and professionals. At University of Bahrain, He was coordinator of finance courses inside the department of Finance and Economics. At Effat University, He was director of the master program of finance and chair of the finance department.
    During his journey, he worked as project manager for the accreditation nationally and internationally and succeeded to obtain and retain the NCAAA and the AACSB accreditations.
    Dr Tayachi has published many scientific papers in highly cited journals on three main domains: Risk Management, Corporate Finance and Islamic Finance.


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