Associate Professor - College of Business Administration
  • Publications : 10
  • Citations : 173
  • h-Index : 5
  • Last Updated : Feb/25/2025 04:21:10

Dr. Nasser Easa is an Associate Professor at the American University in the Emirates. Before joining AUE, he spent a total of 22 years in academia as a demonstrator – lecturer at Suez Canal University, Egypt, then an assistant professor of HRM at Alexandria University, and an associate professor of HRM at Beirut Arab University, Lebanon. Dr. Nasser has an intensive teaching experience at undergraduate and graduate levels in areas of HRM, OB, leadership, and knowledge management. He has also an extensive industry experience in these areas. Dr. Nasser supervised several MSc and PhD thesis.

Dr. Nasser holds a PhD with specialization in Knowledge Management from University of Stirling, UK, a master’s degree in OB from Suez Canal University, and a bachelor degree in Business Administration from Tanta University, Egypt.

Research interests of Dr. Nasser are related to knowledge management, innovation, HRD, career development and resilience, leadership, innovation, voice behavior, psychological contact, and emotional intelligence at workplace. He published 26 papers in reputed journals and conferences on the above-mentioned topics. He actively contributes as a member of academic advisory board, a committee member, and a reviewer for highly ranked journals and reputed conferences worldwide. He is a partner of Global knowledge Research Network.


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