Assistant Professor - College of Business Administration
  • Publications : 16
  • Citations : 194
  • h-Index : 6
  • Last Updated : Sep/19/2024 04:34:15

  • Dr. Mohammed Eldahamsheh is an Assistant Professor of Strategy, Organization Theory and Design and Organization Behavior at American University in the Emirates. He is a practice-oriented academic with extensive industry experience in areas of strategic management, digital marketing, organization theory, and organization behavior.

    He holds a PhD with specialization in Strategic Management from Saint May’s University of Minnesota from USA, and MBA from Yarmouk university, Jordan.
    Research interests of Dr. Mohammed Eldahamsheh are related to area of strategic management, career development, digital marketing to boost field insights and deliver valuable contributions. He is working as an external researcher for college of business at Al al-Bayt University as team member researcher with Al al-Bayt University business college. He is an author of numerous papers and articles in digital marketing, innovation, career development, entrepreneurship, innovation, and strategy.
    In addition to teaching, research and business experience, Dr. Mohammed Eldahamshehis also dedicated to community development and engagement especially in the area of career development and career choice


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