Assistant Professor - College of Business Administration
  • Publications : 18
  • Citations : 104
  • h-Index : 4
  • Last Updated : Feb/25/2025 04:38:27

Dr Bassel Kassem is an Assistant Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management at the College of Business Administration at the American University in the Emirates (AUE). Prior to joining AUE, Dr Kassem spent a postdoctoral research period at the Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, Italy—where he also used to teach Operations Management and problem-solving topics to master’s students.

Dr Kassem holds a PhD in Management Engineering with a specialization in Operational Excellence Research and a master’s degree in Management Engineering from Politecnico di Milano, Italy. He also holds a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Lebanese American University, Lebanon.
Dr Kassem loves to mix teaching, research, and consulting to acquire new knowledge for the sake of his students, employees, and managers in service and manufacturing companies. He has consultancy experience in areas ranging from production and logistics to supply chain management and Lean Production.
Dr Kassem’s main research interest is the implementation of Industry 4.0 and Lean Production in manufacturing companies to achieve operational excellence. He is the author of numerous conference papers and articles on the topic of Lean 4.0, in addition to other topics.


Cover Date Title Citations
Jan/01/2024 Employee Wellbeing and Quality of Life of Saudi Arabian Workers 0


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