Network Security
  • Duration

    4 Years

  • Classes

    Weekday Weekend

  • Fees

    Tuition (One Semester) ……… Approx. 30,000 AED
    One academic year is two semesters
    Admission (One Time) ……… 3,500 AED

About Specialization

As digital threats become more sophisticated, the need for skilled network security professionals is at an all-time high. Our Bachelor of Science in Computer Science – Network Security program prepares you to protect valuable information and secure network infrastructures. Dive into the world of cybersecurity, network protocols, cryptography, ethical hacking and digital forensics. Gain hands-on experience in state-of-the-art labs and develop practical skills to identify vulnerabilities and mitigate risks. With this program, you will be prepared for in-demand careers such as network security engineer, cybersecurity analyst, or information security manager. Join us and become a guardian of digital safety in the interconnected world.

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science - Program Goals

  1. Have a graduate degree or professional career in computer science or related disciplines.
  2. Become successful researchers, team members or leaders.
  3. Maintain high standards of work ethics, social responsibilities and professionalism.
  4. Specialize in solving technical problems using computing knowledge, skills and competence.
  5. Be creative, effective, and productive members of the local, regional and
    international communities.

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science - Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions.
  2. Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline.
  3. Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
  4. Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles.
  5. Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline.
  6. Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions.

Preparatory Courses

Prior to their enrollment in the program, students applying for Bachelor of Science in Computer Science must sit for the placement test related to the program, failure to successfully passing the placement test, they are required to enroll in the following courses:

Course Code
CIT 90
MAT 90
PHY 90
ENG 99
Computer Preparatory
Mathematics Preparatory
Physics Preparatory
Academic Writing (*)
Credit Hours
Exemption Condition
Passing the Placement Test
Passing the Placement Test
Passing the Placement Test
Passing the Placement Test

(*) Students must pass the English Proficiency.

Program Structure

Course Category
General Education Courses
Core Courses
Specialization Courses
Total Number of Courses
44 Courses
Total Number of Credit Hours
126 Credit Hours

A: University Core Requirements

The student selects 6 credit hours (2 courses) from the list below:

The purpose of this course is to facilitate the process of transition into new academic and cultural environment for the new students enrolled in the AUE. Furthermore, it aims to promote their confidence so that they could succeed and meet the academic requirements. The course assimilates academic content with interactive in class activities to ensure understanding of curricular options and begin to develop a future career plan through self-reflection.

Innovation is the engine of opportunity and, acting as a catalyst, this course is intended to ignite an interest in innovation and inspire entrepreneurial action. At the core of innovation and entrepreneurship is a commitment to experiential learning that will encourage students to engage in critical thinking, creative problem-solving while also equipping them with the soft skills needed in their pursuit of academic and professional endeavors. Students will discuss the relevance and role of innovation and entrepreneurship in work and life situations; determine opportunities for creative disruption and design a strategy for its implementation; develop a practical understanding of innovation through thoughtful debate and exercises; and demonstrate critical thinking and individual insight with a personal mastery portfolio.

B: Languages and Communication Studies

The student must select 9 credit hours (3 courses) from the list below.

Students must take all of the following courses:

This course provides students with advanced writing skills in English so that they can successfully pursue their studies in various academic specializations. It helps students to develop, improve, and upgrade their writing and structure skills, and it also acquaints students with technical writing, research papers, and essays since brief research methods are applied in student projects and assignments.

The intent of this course is two-fold. First, it introduces students with the basic research terminologies. Second, it familiarizes them with the process of research from choosing a topic to writing the proposal. Students will be immersed in hands on experience where they will be introduced to research concepts that will help them understand, interpret, and critique a scientific research. Contents to be covered include the language of research, types of research, elements of scientific research proposal, writing an academic research proposal using APA style, research ethics, crafting data collection instruments, and interpreting data.

Students must take one of the following Arabic Language courses:

This course is designed to enable the Arabic-speaking student with the necessary language skills, especially focusing on the steps of writing reports, official letters and systematic research.

To achieve this, and to develop the student’s abilities to understand correctly what he reads and listens, and to gain the ability to write articles, reports, meeting minutes and recommendations of conferences and seminars in a sound manner, the course was concerned with training the student in basic writing skills; such as multiple spelling rules, punctuation marks, paragraph system, and essay writing progressively.

This course is based on the principle that “Education” is an accumulative task especially when it comes to language learning. This process undergoes specific stages to assist the non-Arabic speakers to reach the ultimate goal which is to acquire the required skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) easily and accurately. To achieve this aim, text-based dialogues are provided as head start for the non-Arabic speakers to continue to the higher levels. The course also provides basic elements for reading, writing, dialogues, and listening to assist the learners to confidently interact with the Arab community.

This course is based on the principle that “Education” is an accumulative task especially when it comes to language learning. This process undergoes specific stages to assist the non-Arabic speakers to reach the ultimate goal which is to acquire the required skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) easily and accurately. To achieve this aim, text-based dialogues are provided as head start for the non-Arabic speakers to continue to the higher levels. The course also provides basic elements for reading, writing, dialogues, and listening to assist the learners to confidently interact with the Arab community.

C: The Natural sciences or Mathematics

The student must select 6 credit hours (2 courses) from the list below:

The natural science course incorporates a wide range of subjects of sciences such as astronomy, geology, biology, chemistry, and environmental science. The course will present the scientific facts of astronomy, the Earth and its weather, water, and environment, biology, and nutrition with the chemicals of life. The course emphasizes understanding the core principles of different branches of science and their effects on our lives. Moreover, the course explores the scope of natural phenomena, changing environment conditions, general health rules of nutrition, and the variety of living organisms. The course helps the students to acquire skills in observation, critical thinking, analyzing, interpreting, understanding and discussing scientific terminology and facts.

The ‘Principles of Environmental Science’ course is designed to introduce the fundamental concepts of Environmental Science to undergraduate students. It includes topics from different areas of study such as ecology, biology, soil science and atmospheric science. The course aims at raising environmental awareness among students and providing them with the scientific knowledge and skills to identify, prevent and solve environmental problems. Additionally, it deals with ecological concepts, organism interactions, communities and ecosystems. The course focuses on key areas of population dynamics, biodiversity, human activities and the environment managed ecosystems, air quality, water and solid waste management

This course gives a This course gives a thorough introduction to sustainable energy, conservation, and energy efficiency within the UAE and the world. It will explore the relationship between energy, environment, economy and ecological well-being. It will discuss energy production from the biology, natural science, environmental science and social sciences perspectives. A variety of topics will be introduced including global warming, climate change, sustainable food production, solid waste management, environmental and natural resources laws. The course includes the growing challenges of climate change and energy crisis and proposes solutions to overcome them.

This course is designed to develop a good understanding of the fundamental concepts of mathematics. It also stresses on crucial cognitive transferable skills such as the ability to think logically and concisely. Mastering this course will give students the confidence to go on and do further courses in mathematics and statistics.

D: The Social or Behavioral Sciences

The student must select 3 credit hours (1 course) from the list below:

This course provides an understanding of anthropology, the study of human beings throughout time and space. Anthropology is a broad discipline that studies human from a holistic perspective looking at both biological and cultural aspects. Anthropologists use different methods in order to understand and study humans. During this course, students will experience ethnographic fieldwork.

This course introduces the science of Sociology. Students will examine Society, Institutions and the relationships that make up a social context. The scientific methodology used to study social interactions, stratification and other elements of sociological enquiry will be discussed to emphasize the core concept of sociology as a systematic study of societies and social structures.

This course will introduce the students to the key concepts of Political Science and its principal tools. The course will discuss the role of main political actors in the field of politics and their function.

This course serves as an introduction into the interdisciplinary and multifaceted social sciences. The content on the course covers the range of different disciplines that social sciences consists of, namely: anthropology, sociology, psychology, political science, economics and to a lesser extent also history and geography. The secondary aim of the course is moreover for students to develop their critical thinking skills by engaging actively with material about social issues, social change and social institutions.

An introduction to the science of psychology, its theories and foundations. The course is focused on principles and research methodologies, including the following topics: history of psychology, the biology of mind, memory, learning, child and personality development, psychological disorders and therapy. The aim of the course is to introduce the basis of psychology, provide the foundational knowledge to pursue the subject in more depth in the future, and build an ongoing interest in the application of psychology in everyday life.

This course will provide the students with a comprehensive overview of geography. Emphasis is on concepts that are necessary to understand global, regional and local issues. This course also includes topics on both human and physical geography.

E: The Humanities or Arts

The student must select 3 credit hours (1 course) from the list below:

This course explores Arab art and aesthetics from the beginning of the twentieth century to date. The students will learn about the contemporary art and design movement in Arab countries, the expression of cultural identity, as well as the factors involved, and changes in aesthetics from Islamic to Arabic art. They will also study and analyze the role of pioneer artists from various generations with emphasis on their influence on contemporary Arab art.
This course will introduce the students to the key concepts of philosophy and its principle tools. The course will discuss the schools of philosophical thought and will apply philosophical analysis to the topics of knowledge, religion, mind, freedom, responsibility, and ethics.
This course provides an overview of World / General History. The course will conclude with discussions about perspectives on World History. It surveys the history of humankind from 250CE till 1990 CE. In addition, interregional, comparative, cross-cultural, transnational, and historiographical topics will be considered. The objective of the course is to explore the roots of contemporary globalization and to develop historical thinking and writing.
This course provides an overview of Middle-Eastern History, including the sources of Middle Eastern History. The course will conclude with discussions about perspectives on Middle-Eastern History.
This course will provide the students with a comprehensive overview of English literature in the United States. It will familiarize the students primarily with early Anglo-American writers and the different literary movements that took place in the United States. Today American literature includes many minority literary works, but the historical matrix remains Anglo-Saxon if we are to consider the dominant culture as the starting historical point.
This course aims to focus on the evolution of Islamic Art through a chronological overview of various ​trends and approaches throughout history. Students will explore and analyze the rise and influence of ​Islam leading to the formation of a new artistic culture the world over.​

F: Islamic Studies

The student must select 3 credit hours (1 course) from the list below

This course will expand students’ knowledge to enable them to understand the Islamic culture and its characteristics. It analyzes the sources of legislation in Islam. It offers a review of the history of Islam and how it is currently the fastest-growing religion in the world.
The course is designed to give an in-depth understanding of the Islamic civilization. It deals with the universal principles that went into the making of the Islamic civilization. It examines the basic ideas of Islamic civilization besides exploring their contemporary relevance and challenges. The course seeks to effectively address the notion of the ‘clash of civilizations.

G: UAE Studies

The student must select 3 credit hours (1 course) from the list below.

The course is designed to introduce the UAE and GCC society with its historical background and uniqueness. It is aimed at enabling students to understand the specific features of the society along with its customs, traditions, and lifestyle. The course will introduce the processes and the challenges of development as well as the future aspirations of the UAE and GCC Society.
The purpose of this introductory course is to study computers and data. It gives an establishment to utilizing computers in different courses and educational module for research, correspondence, and writing. Students will be exposed to the fundamentals of hardware and its associated software and systems improvement. The course will show how the computer automates the processing of information.
Physics course introduces the basic concepts, theories and terminologies of the scientific method in the context of the science of physics. Students will reinterpret and express ideas and views of our physical world from the basic principles of physics. Mathematics being the physics’ language, students enrolled in this course are expected to be able to deal with simple vectors operations, basics of calculus (differentiation and integration), algebraic relations and trigonometric functions. This course allows students to differentiate between the various multitudes of measurement, learn kinematics including translational and rotational motion together with the motion of projectiles, interpret forces and torque, and then apply Newton’s Laws to analyze objects situations. Students will be able to set up equations related to energy conservation, work and momentum conservation.
This course explores the physical concepts of electrostatics and electromagnetism. This subject benefits the students to develop sold background of the electricity and magnetism fundamentals. Topics include: electric charge, electric field, Coulomb’s law, Gauss’s law, electronic component such as resistors, capacitors and indicators, direct and alternative currents and various experiments that focused on the given topics.
This course is an introduction to differential and integral calculus. It begins with a short review of basic concepts related to functions. Then it introduces the concept of a limit to a function. It then unfolds to the study of derivatives and their applications. Thereafter it considers the area problem and its solution, the definite integral.
This course introduces students to the fundamentals of computation problem solving. The course covers the main principles of algorithm-based problem solving and implementation of solutions using a computer programming language. Students will learn the essential programming concepts and computation problem solving such as algorithms, data flow, decomposing large problem into smaller components, program design, data types, control structures, functions and handling input and output. The course includes several labs to give hands-on experience to students.
The course introduces Object-Oriented programming language and design using high-level programming language. The course aims at introducing abstraction, information hiding, classes, methods, attributes, inheritance, polymorphism, file processing, overloading, exception handling, reading and writing from text files. The course includes hands-on exercises that will help students develop skills required to develop functioning programs for solving computing problems.
This course offers an introduction to electronic models with logic design and the basic concepts used in digital systems. The course covers the design and applications of combinational logic components and sequential circuits. The course includes details of how computer systems are developed by highlighting the basic concepts involved in computer theory like truth tables, binary arithmetic, and standard representation of logic functions.
Students who have taken calculus 1, can take this course to excel in the taught subjects. The course will focus on Transcendental Functions, Techniques of Integration, Infiniti Series, integrals and their applications methods and optimization techniques using partial derivatives. Furthermore, students will learn various concepts of curl and divergence and apply them to real-life context.
In this course, students apply basic knowledge of essential science, math, and designing standards to solve computational problems. This course aims to strengthen the capability of students to develop algorithm and classify the proper data structure method to solve the problem. Algorithms define the approaches for giving solutions utilizing computer facilities. Regularly, the aim is to develop fast computational methods using the least number of resources. For example, specific data structures are used to organize large numbers of records by quickly defining the existing records and/or quickly finding and inserting deleted and new records. The course will concentrate on Big O notation, arrays, stacks, queue, lists, trees, heap and hashing techniques.
In this course students will learn linear algebra and develop an appreciating on how the application of this branch of mathematics plays an important role in many computer science undertakings and help solving diverse problems in internet search, data mining, machine learning, graphic design, compilers, bioinformatics, relational database design, and database optimization. The course aims to improve the analytical thinking skills of students through their ability to understand the core principles of linear algebra, such as linear equations, matrices, vector spaces, coordinate systems, determinants, linear operators, linear transformations, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, orthogonality, and quadratic Forms, and then be able to apply these techniques to solve basic problems in IT.
This course covers the basic concepts of web design techniques. Its main topics are Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Students do not need any programming skills. previous knowledge of HTML or web design. This course introduces to students how to develop webpages and website using different tools such as HTML editors and web browsers. They will learn how to write HTML code using different techniques. They will be taught to enhance the format of websites using styling and layout, to improve webpage look and feel through images, graphics and tables and to enrich their contents by adding audio, video and multimedia files. In addition, students will work in groups to create a website combining all the techniques they have learned throughout the semester.
This course of discrete mathematics aims to introduce students to concepts, ideas, and techniques that are widely used in computer science. The goal of this course is to teach various topics in discrete mathematics that qualify students to think logically and mathematically to solve problems in computer science. To achieve this goal, students will study logic and proofs concepts, basic structures, set operations, functions, sequence and summations. Moreover, the following concepts constitute part of the course, as well: methods of proving theorems, induction and recursion, basic rules of counting, pigeonhole principles, permutation and combination, discrete probability, advance counting technique, graph terminology, Dijkstra’s algorithm, traveling salesman and trees.
Multimedia Technology course will enhance the understanding of fundamentals of multimedia techniques using computer software. The course shall go into deep details of defining features, uses and practical development considerations for each of the major multimedia content such as text, graphics, sound, and video. Several compression algorithms for digital and analog multimedia content will be covered. A portion of this course concentrates on how communication of multimedia content works by highlighting various networking techniques to efficiently communicate by avoiding errors in communication. The course includes several hands-on exercises on creation and manipulation of multimedia content using various tools like Adobe Photoshop, Audacity and Windows Movie Maker etc. These exercises will strengthen the practical multimedia production skills. Furthermore, students will be equipped with skills and knowledge of enhancing the web pages using HTML and ASP.NET language embedded codes for video, sound, text and images.
This course covers the essential operating system concepts. The students will be provided an introduction to operating systems including a brief history of development through the years and the five managements under each operating system. The course will also cover the topics including processes and threads in context of resource management, memory management and related schemes, CPU scheduling algorithms and file systems. Several alternative algorithms related to page replacement policies and CPU scheduling are discussed along with understanding their advantages and disadvantages. The role of the device manager will be emphasized in the context of resource sharing. Other topics such as concurrent processes and synchronization, deadlocks and security are also presented briefly. Furthermore, the students will get hands-on practical labs on modern Operating Systems including Linux and Windows. The advanced labs will introduce the practice of a scripting language to understand the various topics presented through the course outline.
This course is designed to provide a needed background to understand computer networks. It describes types of networks, how networking affects society, and the components and tools that are used to create networks in various business models. The course also introduces networking, offering easy-to-follow details on hardware, networking protocols, remote access, and security. New networking professionals will first learn what they need to know about network technology, and then how to apply that knowledge to set up, manage, and secure networks.
This course is about the concepts of theory of computation. It covers the subject from a mathematical approach based on design of theorems and proofs. It brings together main concepts, such as the equivalence of deterministic and nondeterministic finite automata, and the conversions between pushdown automata and context-free grammars to produce an efficient and clear method for parsing. Furthermore, students will study different concepts related to computational theory that include, but not limited to regular expressions, Turing machines and its variants, decidable languages, recursion theorem, and complexity.
Students who have taken calculus II can take this course to excel in the taught subjects needed by computer scientists. The course will demonstrate the use of differential equation in mathematical and real-life modeling. In addition, parametric equations and polar coordinates will be tackled later in the course. Furthermore, students will learn various concepts of infinite sequences and series and apply them in different context.
Numerical analysis deals mainly with algorithms that apply numerical estimation to tackle mathematical analysis problems. This course introduces, to students, numerical algorithms as methods to develop solutions to prevalent problems articulated in different disciplines such as science, engineering, and mathematics. The emphasis is to make students understand the concepts of construction, application, and restrictions of numerical algorithms. The course includes numerical methods to solve equations, polynomial interpolation, differential and integration equations, analysis of numerical errors and applications of these analyses. The course will also help students to acquire skills in problem solving.
This course is designed to introduce database concepts and data models such as hierarchical, networks with more focus on relational databases and ER modeling. The course aims to introduce the database normalization process and enables students to design basic databases through hands-on exercises, case studies, and a teamwork project.
The course will introduce modern programming languages and their concepts. The course emphasizes the rationale for studying programming languages and the criteria to evaluate them. The concepts of language design, constructs and common design trade-offs will be discussed. Topics include Syntax and semantics of languages, Data types, Names, Bindings, Scopes, Expressions and Assignment Statements, Control Structures, Subprograms and their implementation. This course also covers the advanced topics such as abstraction and concurrency support offered by modern programming languages. Furthermore, the latest trends such as functional programming paradigm will be explained in the course. The hands-on exercises of this course will help students to explore new languages and take well-informed decisions for their future projects.
This course discusses main concepts of computer architecture and organization such as the behavior and structure of different computer’s functional modules. Students will learn as well how these functional modules interact to meet users’ processing needs. In addition, the course will introduce students to basic computer organization, data representation and computer arithmetic, digital components, digital logic circuits, register transfer, micro-programmed control, input- output organization, central processing unit, memory organization and pipe-lining.
Computer Ethics is an interdisciplinary course. The course reflects the rapid expansion of information technology and the civic and ethical challenges that have emerged from the expansion. The course content is organized around a number of issues that are of immediate concern, including threats to privacy from massive database, data mining, high-speed networks, workplace surveillance, the electronic theft of intellectual property, such as music, video, film and text, and catastrophic computer -related accidents such as airplane crashes and nuclear power plant shutdowns.
Pre-Internship is a course designed for students seeking an internship. The course will prepare students to successfully plan their internship by researching and identifying potential internship opportunities, creating professional resume and letter of introduction, developing interviewing and networking skills as well as a portfolio per industry requirements. Students will go through different learning modules including experiences, team work skills, communication skills, leadership skills, problem solving, self-management and professionalism to be able to make the most of their internship.
CCIT offers the Internship program as a graduation requirement for students in the Computer Science and IT Management programs. This program allows students link theory to real world practice. The student is required to complete 280 working hours within 2 months. During this time, the student submits 4 reports explaining the tasks conducted and the skills gained/improved. At the end of the semester, the student provides an oral presentation that explains his/her performance during the internship
This course provides a foundation for students to explore the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This course covers the introduction to basic concepts and techniques that are essential to many AI applications. The topics discussed include intelligent agents and environment, classical search, knowledge representation and reasoning techniques, first order logic with its syntax and semantics, classical planning with its algorithms, and the uncertainty knowledge approaches such as probabilistic and Bayesian networks. Students will expand their knowledge to practice in a wide range of applications such as computer vision, robotics, and natural language processing.
This course aims to introduce the theoretical concepts and methodologies of software engineering to students. In particular, this course concerns with software engineering concept, software processes including process models, process activities, process improvement and coping with changes, agile software development and agile methods, requirement engineering, system modelling, implementation, testing and evolution. The course aims to deliver a comprehensive and complete theoretical framework of software development activities and design essentials to students. By the end of course, student will submit a project that addresses the concepts, methods and techniques learnt during the course to tackle certain real life problem. The project is a group project maximum of two students.
This course aims to clarify the processes modifying-on an existing system or proposing a new system that facilitates the achievement of clearly defined business objectives. The course introduces Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodologies and explains the SDLC phases starting from Planning: by developing a comprehensive system proposal document that includes the business analysis, feasibility analysis and scheduling the tasks of developing the new system, moving to Analysis where requirements are being defined, use case analysis, data flow and entity relationship diagrams are introduced. Then to system design by introducing system acquisition strategies, architecture, user interface, program and database design, to the implementation phase and finally the transition to the new system.
Prepares the student for applied self-directed capstone experience. The course aims at addressing problem identification within the field of study, apply project management principles to prepare project deliverables, and present project proposal.
The goal of the capstone graduation project is to evaluate the aptitude of students to independently complete a project in an area of their preference (e.g., software and web development, network administration and security systems, database systems, and digital forensics). The responsibilities required are identifying a research area and developing a project proposal identifying the research aim, objectives, research plan, time schedule, and estimated budgets. Students are required to present their findings through an oral presentation and written thesis.
Students learn the various network security principles and features including protocols, and implementations used in today’s networks. Students should learn about the router configuration using Access Control Lists, configuring Firewalls, and other migration techniques. Topics in this course include Security Policy, Types of Attacks, Firewalls, Virtual Private Networks, Unix Security Issues, Windows Server Security Issues and Wireless Security.
This course examines the threats, risks, and historical perspective of hacking methodology. Furthermore, it covers the main processes that are required for the identification of threats to an organization. The course also emphasizes the importance of constructive thinking in the process of elimination and mitigation of the associated risks that are confronted by businesses in a computer network world. Students will learn the types of vulnerabilities inside a system and crackers who use well-known schemes such as worms, viruses and Trojan horses to vandalize digital systems to steal proprietary information.
The course builds on prior knowledge gained in network essentials. The course introduces mobile technologies used for cellular communication. Topics covered include transmission fundamentals, protocols and the TCP/IP suite, antennas and propagation, coding and error control, satellite communications, mobile IP and Wireless Access Protocol and IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN Standard. The main goal of the course is for students to learn and demonstrate knowledge of concepts, issues, tools, techniques and methods associated with mobile technologies and future trends in wireless communication. The course also provides hands-on introduction to write code for data communication over latest mobile and wireless networks.
The course is aimed at introducing the students to the interdisciplinary field of Human Computer Interaction which integrates concepts from Computer Science, Design and Cognitive Psychology. Topics include introduction to Human Computer Interaction, Interaction Design principles, User Experience, Usability Testing Evaluating and Designing interfaces. The course will be a mix of theory and practice; where the concepts will be introduced and interface prototyping and evaluation will be conducted.

Advanced Topics in IT uses a variety of teaching strategies to expose students to real world scenarios which are current industry challenges. The approach ensures CCIT graduates are equipped with contemporary skill sets required in the ever-changing Information Technology industry. The course provides a platform for students, academics and practitioners to discuss various specializations in the Information Technology industry. Learning of soft and hard skills are reinforced through write ups, oral and presentation of professional reports.
The course enables students explore distinct areas of Information Technology which are not covered in the regular course work and focuses on the identification of long-term overall aims and interests and the means of using Information Technology to help businesses achieve their organizational goals. Topical issues including using Information Technology to elevate production by suppling uninterrupted processes which optimize resources and allow organizational leaders to make quick, accurate, and consistent decisions are studied via case studies analyses.
By learning through an array of teaching methods and cutting edge research in Information Technology students are prepared for successful leadership roles in organizations and government. Students on this course also acquire skills and knowledge that ensure any implemented Information System meets industry best practice. Topics covered in this course include Information Technology implementation strategies, Operations and post implementation of Information Technology, Information Technology program and project management, Organizational change and Process Reengineering, global ethics and security management, value chain and data analysis.

The focus of this course is to explain the vital role of decision support systems (DSSs) for decision making in modern business environment. The course delivers both theory and practice behind DSSs and how Business Intelligence (BI) supports different managerial tasks and processes for individuals and organizations. The concepts, theories, and technologies of DSSs are explained, and the components and tools of BI, from data collection, data modeling, and data analysis, are also covered. The course provides the knowledge for students to understand the analytical, logical, and mathematical foundations of BI modeling and explains modern technologies used in creating decision support systems. These include data visualization, data warehouses, data mining, big data analytics and knowledge management. An emphasis will be given to students to acquire the necessary skills to develop rudimentary decision support systems through several lab exercises using standard software packages.
This course covers the range of concepts related to Distributed systems, and case studies to analyze the design of existing distributed systems and applications. The students will learn about the different models of the Distributed Systems, importance of Synchronization, and the vital role of Operating System layer. Furthermore, the students will be introduced to various communication models including Remote Procedure Invocation, Message Passing Interface (MPI), Indirect communication, Group communication, and Peer-to-peer communication. The course will help students in identifying the components and issues related to different Distributed Systems such as Web-based Systems, File Systems, Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems and Multimedia Systems. The students will get hands-on practical labs to evaluate popular algorithms to support communication and to deal with different issues related to resource management.

Recommended Study Plan


The American University in the Emirates is licensed by the UAE Ministry of Education – Commission for Academic Accreditation |
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The College of Computer Information Technology is accredited by ABET.

Prof.Laiali Almazaydeh

Professor / Dean

Prof. Firas Alkhaldi

Professor / Program Director - Master Of Knowledge Management

Dr. Abedallah Abualkishik

Associate Professor / Department Chair - Computer Science

Dr. Ibrahim Abualsondos

Assistant Professor/Department Chair of ITM

Prof. Sameh Ghwanmeh


Dr. Amer Ibrahim

Assistant Professor

Dr. Mohammad Al Nasar

Assistant Professor

Dr. Rami Ahmed

Assistant Professor

Dr. Rasha Almajed

Assistant Professor

Dr. Ibrahim Alnajjar

Assistant Professor

  • For Admission Requirements for Freshman students (those who have just completed high school and have never attended an Institute of Higher Education before) click here
  • For Admission Requirements for Transfer students (those who have studied at another higher education institution and would like to transfer their credits to AUE) click here
  • For Admission Requirements for Visiting students (those who are currently enrolled in a different higher education institution and would like to take some courses at AUE as part of the study plan of their home university/college) click here
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