Instructor - College of Education
  • Publications : 0
  • Citations : 0
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  • Last Updated : Sep/20/2024 05:13:30

  • Mrs. Layal Hmaidi is a Psychology Lecturer at the American University in the Emirates. She has extensive academic experience in developing and teaching Psychology courses at international schools across the UAE and Jordan. Additionally, she is a psychology examiner with the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program, responsible for marking and moderating the internal assessments of IB students.

    Mrs. Layal holds a master’s degree in psychology from the American University of Beirut, Lebanon. Her research interests pertain to social psychology, social cognition, memory, cross-cultural research, gender, and child development.
    In addition to teaching and research, Mrs. Layal Hmaidi has written psychology articles for the Parenting Section of Gulf News. She remains dedicated to community development and mental health awareness, especially in the area of child protection and safeguarding within schools


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