Instructor - College of Education
  • Publications : 0
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  • Last Updated : Sep/20/2024 05:13:30

  • Mr. Subhi Khalid Yass has a master’s degree in diplomacy from American University in the Emirates, worked in Education Filed more than 17 years since 2002, and helped in Establishing two Universities in United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi University ADU & American University in the Emirates AUE) worked in Horizon International Flight Academy as well.

    Delivered training courses and specialized workshops in the field of Media & Mass Communications & Protocol, he has taught in the college of Media & Mass Communications in American University in the Emirates (AUE).

    He has a great passion for all sports, and always contributes to the support of all sports teams at the American University in the UAE and won many titles with the sport teams. Also motivating all students to pay more attention to the practical aspect of the education process.


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