Radio & Television Banner
  • Duration

    4 Years

  • Classes

    Weekday Weekend

  • Fees

    Tuition (One Semester) ……… Approx. 20,500 AED
    One academic year is two semesters
    Admission (One Time) ……… 3,150 AED

About Specialization

Step into the captivating world of radio and television broadcasting with our Bachelor of Arts in Media & Mass Communication – Radio and Television program. Learn the art of storytelling through audio and visual mediums, honing your skills in scriptwriting, video production, editing and broadcast journalism. Develop a deep understanding of the industry’s technological advancements, digital media trends, and audience engagement strategies. With hands-on experience in state-of-the-art production facilities, you will be poised to pursue a career as a radio host, TV presenter, producer, director, or video content creator. Join us and let your voice and vision be heard on the airwaves and screens of the world.

Bachelor of Arts in Media & Mass Communication - Program Goals

  1. Equip students with the skills, knowledge, and competency to be professional practitioners in the field of communication.
  2. Equip students with comprehensive media understanding and involve them in community events to achieve social responsibility.
  3. Create a platform for research development to enable students to pursue life-long learning and advanced studies in mass communications-related disciplines.
  4. Provide students with the current industrial standards of their disciplines to meet market demand.

Bachelor of Arts in Media & Mass Communication - Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate the ability to know, evaluate and apply basic mass communication messages in the communication theories.
  2. Effectively communicate with others in interpersonal, small group and public speaking situation.
  3. Capable to use appropriate research methods to answer relevant questions.
  4. Demonstrate sensitivity to the ethical issues to their practice.
  5. Ability to apply relevant theory to communication practice.
  6. Apply the integrated marketing communication principles, procedures and strategies.
  7. Ability to think critically about the relationship between mass media ,society and between nation-states.
  8. Use the various techniques and skills required for effective public relations, and suggest appropriate PR action plans with the cost and time.
  9. Apply successfully the appropriate concepts, knowledge, skills and theories of radio and television media.

Preparatory Courses

Prior to their enrollment in the program, students applying for Bachelor of Arts in Media and Mass Communication must sit for the placement test related to the program, failure to successfully passing the placement test, they are required to enroll in the following courses:

Course Code
CIT 90
ENG 99
Computer Preparatory
Academic Writing (*)
Credit Hours
Exemption Condition
Passing the Placement Test
Passing the Placement Test
(*) Students must pass the English Proficiency.

Program Structure

Course Category
General Education Courses
Core Courses
Specialization Courses
Free Electives
Total Number of Courses
44 Courses
Total Number of Credit Hours
126 Credit Hours

A: University Core Requirements

The student selects 6 credit hours (2 courses) from the list below:

The purpose of this course is to facilitate the process of transition into the new academic and cultural environment for the new students enrolled in the AUE. Furthermore, it aims to promote their confidence so that they could succeed and meet their academic requirements. The course assimilates academic content with interactive in-class activities to ensure understanding of curricular options and begin to develop a future career plan through self-reflection.
Innovation is the engine of opportunity and, acting as a catalyst, this course is intended to ignite an interest in innovation and inspire entrepreneurial action. At the core of innovation and entrepreneurship is a commitment to experiential learning that will encourage students to engage in critical thinking, creative problem-solving while also equipping them with the soft skills needed in their pursuit of academic and professional endeavors. Students will discuss the relevance and role of innovation and entrepreneurship in work and life situations; determine opportunities for creative disruption and design a strategy for its implementation; develop a practical understanding of innovation through thoughtful debate and exercises, and demonstrate critical thinking and individual insight with a personal mastery portfolio.

B: Languages and Communication Studies

The student must select 9 credit hours (3 courses) from the list below.

Students must take all of the following courses:

This course provides students with advanced writing skills in English so that they can successfully pursue their studies in various academic specializations. It helps students to develop, improve, and upgrade their writing and structure skills, and it also acquaints students with technical writing, research papers, and essays since brief research methods are applied in student projects and assignments.
The intent of this course is two-fold. First, it introduces students with the basic research terminologies. Second, it familiarizes them with the process of research from choosing a topic to writing the proposal. Students will be immersed in hands on experience where they will be introduced to research concepts that will help them understand, interpret, and critique a scientific research. Contents to be covered include the language of research, types of research, elements of scientific research proposal, writing an academic research proposal using APA style, research ethics, crafting data collection instruments, and interpreting data.

Students must take one of the following Arabic Language courses:

This course is designed to enable students to analyze multiple texts in various fields of knowledge. In order to be able to distinguish between texts despite their difference of contents, it also enables student to simulate those texts in a correct way, and to transform the information into skill and behavior. And since writing is an integrated building process, and that the building is affected by its parts, therefore student needs models, linguistic laws, planning, cohesion and goals including: news and inquiries, demand and influence of the recipient.
This course is based on the principle that “Education” is an accumulative task especially when it comes to language learning. This process undergoes specific stages to assist the non-Arabic speakers to reach the ultimate goal which is to acquire the required skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) easily and accurately. To achieve this aim, text-based dialogues are provided as a head start for the non-Arabic speakers to continue to the higher levels. The course also provides basic elements for reading, writing, dialogues, and listening to assist the learners to confidently interact with the Arab community.
This course is designed to enable the Arabic-speaking student with the necessary language skills, especially focusing on the steps of writing reports, official letters and systematic research. To achieve this, and to develop the student’s abilities to understand correctly what he reads and listens, and to gain the ability to write articles, reports, meeting minutes and recommendations of conferences and seminars in a sound manner, the course was concerned with training the student in basic writing skills; such as multiple spelling rules, punctuation marks, paragraph system, and essay writing progressively.

C: The Natural sciences or Mathematics

The student must select 6 credit hours (2 courses) from the list below:

The natural science course incorporates a wide range of subjects sciences such as astronomy, geology, biology, chemistry, and environmental science. The course will present the scientific facts of astronomy, the Earth and its weather, water, and environment, biology, and nutrition with the chemicals of life. The course emphasizes understanding the core principles of different branches of science and their effects on our lives. Moreover, the course explores the scope of natural phenomena, changing environmental conditions, general health rules of nutrition, and the variety of living organisms. The course helps the students to acquire skills in observation, critical thinking, analyzing, interpreting, understanding, and discussing scientific terminology and facts.
This course gives a thorough introduction to sustainable energy, conservation, and energy efficiency within the UAE and the world. It will explore the relationship between energy, environment, economy, and ecological well-being. It will discuss energy production from the biology, natural science, environmental science, and social sciences perspectives. A variety of topics will be introduced including global warming, climate change, sustainable food production, solid wastemanagement, environmental and natural resources laws. The course includes the growing challenges of climate change and energy crises and proposes solutions to overcome them.
The ‘Principles of Environmental Science course is designed to introduce the fundamental concepts of environmental science to undergraduate students. It includes topics from different areas of study such as ecology, biology, soil science, and atmospheric science. The course aims at raising environmental awareness among students and providing them with the scientific knowledge and skills to identify, prevent and solve environmental problems. Additionally, it deals with ecological concepts, organism interactions, communities, and ecosystems. The course focuses on key areas of population dynamics, biodiversity, human activities, environment-managed ecosystems, air quality, water, and solid waste management.
This course is designed to develop a good understanding of the fundamental concepts of mathematics. It also stresses crucial cognitive transferable skills such as the ability to think logically and concisely. Mastering this course will give students the confidence to go on and do further courses in mathematics and statistics.

D: The Social or Behavioral Sciences

The student must select 3 credit hours (1 course) from the list below:

An introduction to the science of psychology, its theories, and foundations. The course is focused on principles and research methodologies, including the following topics: history of psychology, the biology of mind, memory, learning, child and personality development, psychological disorders, and therapy. The course aims to introduce the basis of psychology, provide the foundational knowledge to pursue the subject in more depth in the future, and build an ongoing interest in the application of psychology in everyday life.
This course serves as an introduction to the interdisciplinary and multifaceted social sciences. The content of the course covers the range of different disciplines that social sciences consists of, namely: anthropology, sociology, psychology, political science, economics, and to a lesser extent also history and geography. The secondary aim of the course is moreover for students to develop their critical thinking skills by engaging actively with material about social issues, social change, and social institutions.
This course will introduce the students to the key concepts of Political Science and its principal tools. The course will discuss the role of main political actors in the field of politics and their function.
This course introduces the science of Sociology. Students will examine Society, Institutions, and the relationships that make up a social context. The scientific methodology used to study social interactions, stratification, and other elements of sociological inquiry will be discussed to emphasize the core concept of sociology as a systematic study of societies and social structures
This course provides an understanding of anthropology, the study of human beings throughout time and space. Anthropology is a broad discipline that studies humans from a holistic perspective looking at both biological and cultural aspects. Anthropologists use different methods to understand and study humans. During this course, students will experience ethnographic fieldwork.
This course will provide the students with a comprehensive overview of geography. Emphasis is on concepts that are necessary to understand global, regional, and local issues. This course also includes topics on both human and physical geography.

E: The Humanities or Arts

The student must select 3 credit hours (1 course) from the list below:

This course explores Arab art and aesthetics from the beginning of the twentieth century to date. The students will learn about the contemporary art and design movement in Arab countries, the expression of cultural identity, as well as the factors involved, and changes in aesthetics from Islamic to Arabic art. They will also study and analyze the role of pioneer artists from various generations with emphasis on their influence on contemporary Arab art.
This course will introduce the students to the key concepts of philosophy and its principle tools. The course will discuss the schools of philosophical thought and will apply philosophical analysis to the topics of knowledge, religion, mind, freedom, responsibility, and ethics.
This course provides an overview of Middle-Eastern History, including the sources of Middle Eastern History. The course will conclude with discussions about perspectives on Middle-Eastern History.
This course provides an overview of World / General History. The course will conclude with discussions about perspectives on World History. It surveys the history of humankind from 250CE till 1990 CE. In addition, interregional, comparative, cross-cultural, transnational, and historiographical topics will be considered. The objective of the course is to explore the roots of contemporary globalization and to develop historical thinking and writing.
This course will provide the students with a comprehensive overview of English literature in the United States. It will familiarize the students primarily with early Anglo-American writers and the different literary movements that took place in the United States. Today American literature includes many minority literary works, but the historical matrix remains Anglo-Saxon if we are to consider the dominant culture as the starting historical point.
This course aims to focus on the evolution of Islamic Art through a chronological overview of various ​trends and approaches throughout history. Students will explore and analyze the rise and influence of ​Islam leading to the formation of a new artistic culture the world over.​

F: Islamic Studies

The student must select 3 credit hours (1 course) from the list below

This course will expand students’ knowledge to enable them to understand the Islamic culture and its characteristics. It analyzes the sources of legislation in Islam. It offers a review of the history of Islam and how it is currently the fastest-growing religion in the world.
The course is designed to give an in-depth understanding of the Islamic civilization. It deals with the universal principles that went into the making of the Islamic civilization. It examines the basic ideas of Islamic civilization besides exploring their contemporary relevance and challenges. The course seeks to effectively address the notion of the ‘clash of civilizations.

G: UAE Studies

The student must select 3 credit hours (1 course) from the list below.

The course is designed to introduce the UAE and GCC society with its historical background and uniqueness. It is aimed at enabling students to understand the specific features of the society along with its customs, traditions, and lifestyle. The course will introduce the processes and the challenges of development as well as the future aspirations of the UAE and GCC Society.

This course is a fully developed introduction to the fundamentals of the theories that define the communication discipline and professions. This being journalism, public relations, multimedia productions, and s. Covering the main questions and theories emphasizing the emergence of mass communication in the UAE and the Gulf States (GCC) at large.

A course designed for the student interested in developing speaking skills. Emphasis will be placed on organization, supporting material, delivery, and audience analysis. Further attention is given to the study of social relationships and the communication process.

Social media are constantly changing the ways masses communicate with each other and the business. Students comprehend different types of social mediums, tactics, and how social media changed the way we interconnect and collaborate with the world, professionally and in personal lives.

Students will be required to apply their insight about the subject by contributing on available social mediums and platforms through intuitive course projects. The course will investigate the connection amongst media and human conduct, and will examine how corporations are capitalizing through social mediums.

This course will provide the students with a comprehensive overview of writing for the Mass Media. The students are expected to understand the basic principles of writing for the mass media.

Pre-Internship is designed for students seeking an internship. The course will prepare students to successfully plan their internship by researching and identifying potential internship opportunities, creating professional resume and letter of introduction, developing interviewing and networking skills as well as a portfolio per industry requirements. Students will go through different learning modules including experiences, team work skills, communication skills, leadership skills, problem solving, self-management and professionalism to be able to make the most of their internship.

Internship is an experience external to the University for a student in a specialized field involving a written agreement between AUE/the Training and Continuing Education Centre and MMC Firms. AUE internship course provides experience related to each student’s academic specialization and the opportunity is open to all MMC students who have completed 90 Credit Hours, and who have a GPA of at least 2.00. The internship course is an ongoing seminar between the student, the faculty member, and the workplace/ employment supervisor at the end of which, each student presents his/her project to his/her class and the MMC faculty summarizing the internship experience and how it has influenced their education and career objectives.

This course provides the students with the basic knowledge base of public opinion and propaganda. Covering the discourse of Public knowledge, public policies and diplomacy. The main skills attained will enclose negotiation, critical analysis and knowledge in the public domain. Principally, the major components are the political and social aspect of public opinion and propaganda.

This course examines the role of the mass media in modern society and the influence of media institutions and messages on individuals, communities, and society. The course includes an overview of the basic methods associated with media research. Students will be asked to integrate theoretical knowledge into media research areas relevant to communication professionals today.

The Media Law and Ethics is a course which teaches the ethical and judicial issues in mass communication. Regulations concerning advertising, PR and journalism including the social media are also topical in this course. Issues such as censorship, libel, personal privacy, ownership of information will be leaned in a basic sense.

This course provides a historical background in television and radio, but quickly transitions into hands-on creation of audio and visual media for radio, television, podcasts, streaming video, series, films, social media, and beyond. Students will create a short narrative (fictional) video, a short documentary video, and will learn how to transform this media to be suitable on multiple platforms. There is a special focus on the Arab media landscape.

Cinematography course is designed to expose students to the principles of motion picture cinematography, to include technical knowledge and artistic application. Over the course outline, focus will be placed on the specific camera and lighting equipment. Cinematography course includes number of the essential topics to build the students’ knowledge and competency about camera operation, composition and framing, blocking, continuity, camera angles and all aspects of visual storytelling.

This course introduces visual and auditory storytelling and the process of listening/viewing, logging, editing, and enhancing digital video and audio trans medially. The student will use video and audio editing skills to produce professional media visual and vocal content applying the basic techniques and principles of editing and visual storytelling for various genres of media.

Enables the students’ script writing skills in the field of radio and TV, by providing them with a deep understanding of the fundamentals of scripting, such as structure, formatting, and character/plot development. Enhances the students’ skills in pitching their well- crafted spec script to the industry.

This course introduces the Radio TV presenting and performance strategies and techniques from a theoretical and practical aspects, students will focus on learning Radio and TV ‘s various kinds of programs considering the camera and microphone at the same time. students will use the elements of the TV shows preparation process to craft a successful screen performance and adjusting for TV and audio recording, and understanding commercial, broadcast and voice-over styles.

Planning and producing is a course introducing students to the business and management side of radio and video production. The course trains the students in both line producing/production management and creative producing of radio and TV with the aim of maximizing their opportunities for work in the production industry at professional level. Students would understand budgeting and scheduling and the operation of related software, contracts, copyright, distribution, and the basics of financing for independent filmmakers. Course work covers the role of the producer; development of concepts, rights research, crew, casting budgets; scheduling, packaging presentations; production overview and management; postproduction; marketing and distribution; and new media perspectives.

Documentary is a course that will provide students with skills and different approaches to “reading,” understanding, and analyzing documentary films. Also, students will learn the terminology and theory informing documentary as genre. Students will also learn the practical and applied aspects of preproduction, production, and post-production for documentary, including location sound recording and lighting.

The course is designed to provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge about management, leadership, policy, and regulatory guidance. This includes the effective management of broadcast operations, program planning, managing the different contents, channels, and stations marketing and promotion, solving problems, issues, and concerns, and designing short-term and long-term broadcast plans.

Directing for Radio and TV will introduce students to television and digital video directing, incorporating both studio and field production techniques. Students will also learn how to develop, plan, shoot, direct and edit a variety of television and digital video productions in live studio, single and multi-camera formats.

The pre-capstone course is designed to prepare the students to the pre-production planning and processes for radio and tv projects. The students will follow certain steps in the production process while identifying and presenting their idea, concept and methodology. The students will have comprehensive knowledge about writing the capstone proposals, reports, presentations and designing the ideas for the different Radio and TV projects.

This course dedicated to students in the College of MMC requires students to complete a three-credit hour course specifically involving a Capstone Graduation Project. To graduate, students should demonstrate that they have developed capability and proficiency in the core knowledge of their specialization and can show capability in understanding aptitudes in the four specializations. The work that the student completes will be their key to admission into further study and/or will show their future employer their capabilities and interests, so it must be of the highest standard. It must also be self-conceived and self-driven; students must plan thoroughly but also be adaptable to changes that occur. The research done for the proposal will be appropriate to the genre of media created.

Choose 15 credit hours from any other college/specialization with the condition that all the prerequisites of the chosen courses are met.

Recommended Study Plan


The American University in the Emirates is licensed by the UAE Ministry of Education – Commission for Academic Accreditation | CAA Logo

Prof. Mohammed Kirat

Professor / Dean

Dr. Samia Hashim

Assistant Professor / Department Chair - BA in Public Relations

Dr. Walaa Fouda

Assistant Professor / Department Chair - BA In Media And Mass Communication

Dr. Mario Rodriguez

Assistant Professor

Dr. Khaled Al-Kassimi

Assistant Professor / Director of Research Support

Dr. Federico Triolo

Assistant Professor

Dr. Federico Triolo

Assistant Professor

Mrs. Elizabeth Matar

Assistant Professor

  • For Admission Requirements for Freshman students (those who have just completed high school and have never attended an Institute of Higher Education before) click here
  • For Admission Requirements for Transfer students (those who have studied at another higher education institution and would like to transfer their credits to AUE) click here
  • For Admission Requirements for Visiting students (those who are currently enrolled in a different higher education institution and would like to take some courses at AUE as part of the study plan of their home university/college) click here
Joining the Program


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